Food Truck Registration Form for Vendors

Saturday June  28, 2025 (Rain date of June 29, 2025)

There is a $50.00 registration fee. You may begin setting up no earlier than 2 pm and must be completed by no later than 4:30 pm. Please let me know if you need more time for set-up and we can arrange for that. While there will be trash receptacles, we ask that you bring one for your area and keep it clean. Please bring your own trash bags. Tied trash bags may be left. Please plan to use a generator if you need electric.
You must contact the Orange Board of Health for your permit for this event, unless you already have a seasonal permit from the Town. There is an online permitting process that can be a little confusing. Please direct any questions regarding the permit process to the Board of Health at 978-544-1107. The Board of Health also has a strict rule of getting your permit request in within 2 weeks of the actual event. Permits need to be approved at the Town’s Selectmen Meeting so the Board of Health needs your paperwork in time to do this part of the permit approval. I will be giving the health agent a list of our vendors but it is your responsibility to contact him in a timely manner. Please respect your space, the town and your fellow vendors.

If you have any questions you may contact Shelly Hatch 978-798-0794.

Complete your online application form below. Alternatively, you can also download this form by clicking HERE.