Vendor Application Form
Saturday June 28, 2025 (Rain date of June 29, 2025)
$30 vendor fee is due upon receipt of application. There are no refunds on application fees. Vendor fees are used to help cover costs of the following year’s River Fest and are greatly appreciated. We will accept applications up until the day before the event however, we suggest registering early so we have ample time to advertize your booth. Fair will run from 5pm – 10pm. Set-up will begin at 3:30pm. Vendor spots will be approx. 10′ x10.
You must bring your own tables and chairs. Once you have unloaded your vehicle, please quickly move to one of the many municipal parking areas nearby (BUTTERFIELD IS RECOMMENDED) so others may bring their cars in to unload. Do not leave your vehicles on the street or in empty parking spaces. This will allow for maximum space for patrons. DO NOT bring your vehicle back to the vendor area until after 10pm.
This is for the SAFETY of your fellow vendors and our patrons.
All vendors are responsible for leaving a clean area at closing. All vendors shall exhibit professional and friendly manners always. Your space is not confirmed until we receive this application with payment in full.
Complete your online application form below.
Alternatively, you can also download this form by clicking HERE.